D-Day Experience

Those who have witnessed it speak of it...

A genuine C-47

The aircraft you’re about to board was built in 1943 and carries a peculiar story.

  • Before-Aircraft Simulator C47 - Outdoor
    After-Aircraft Simulator C47 - Outdoor
    Before Aircraft Simulator C47 - Outdoor After
  • Before-Aircraft Simulator C47 - Interior
    After-Aircraft Simulator C47 - Interior
    Before Aircraft Simulator C47 - Interior After

Your guide: Lieutenant colonel Wolverton

Whereas Lieutenant Colonel Wolverton’s avatar guides you through the D-Day Experience exhibition, Major von der Heydte shows you the way through the Dead Man’s Corner Museum. Prior to assuming command of Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 6 in January 1944, Friedrich August von der Heydte participated in the campaigns of Poland (1939) and France (1940). He also fought in Crete in May 1941 and North Africa from June 1942 to February 1943 after a period in Russia. Promoted to the rank of Major, and in spite of injuries sustained in a plane crash in Italy in September 1943, he ended up in Normandy in June 1944. When word spread that the Allies were landing, he decided to set up his command post in this house, overlooking the marshlands and the road to Carentan. As soon as you walk in the Dead Man’s Corner Museum, you will find yourself in the effervescence of his command post in the morning of June 6, 1944, battle orders roaring all around you – just a glimpse of what the German troops lived in the first hours of D-Day!


It's my story

D-Day experience not only offers an attraction but also an exhibition place featuring artifacts of an exceptional rarity. Come and discover the preparations for D-Day landings throughout said artifacts that used to belong to the soldiers who fought for our liberation. Their story is told through the eyes of Colonel Wolverton who is here to help you better understand the stakes and the state of mind in which the soldiers were when they took part to these events. As you go along your visit, you will have the opportunity to see authentic, unique and symbolic artifacts: the jacket of General Eisenhower, the suit of the famous Lt Richard D, Winters, the genuine D-Day cricket… Each artifacts tells the story of its owner during the fighting that followed the landings.

Those who have visited speak of it...

The movie Director Steven Spielberg purchased the C-47 which was then used for the filming of «Band of Brothers» aired on HBO in 2001.

Reunite With Your Brothers In Arms

The movie Director Steven Spielberg purchased the C-47 which was then used for the filming of «Band of Brothers» aired on HBO in 2001.


From June 2019 onwards, discover our new permanent exhibition – 500 square meters dedicated to the Normandy invasion, with a special focus on the battle for Carentan. These brand new scenes will extend your immersion within the critical events of D-Day and the following weeks, through realistic dioramas and other displays featuring hundreds of genuine artefacts. This original collection will undoubtedly complement your global comprehension of the battle!

Warning: if you wish to access both the flight simulator and the movie theater, it is recommended to buy your ticket one hour BEFORE the ticket office closes.