Legal Notices
The website https://dday-experience.com (hereinafter the “Site”) is published by the company CARENTAN HISTORICAL CENTER, whose headquarters is located at 2 village de l’amont – BP 226 50500 Saint-Côme-du-Mont.
APE Code: 9102Z
Share Capital: €800,000
SIRET: 48142892800016
SIREN: 481428928
VAT Number: FR58481428928
Phone Number: 02 33 23 61 95
Email: contact@dday-experience.com
Publication Director: Mr. Emmanuel Allain and Mr. Michel De Trez
The Customer Service Center of https://dday-experience.com can be reached:
- Online: via the Contact link on the website https://dday-experience.com
- By phone at 02 33 23 61 95 (Cristal number, local call rate from a landline)
- By post: CARENTAN HISTORICAL CENTER – Customer Service – 2 village de l’amont – BP 226
SAS OVH – https://www.ovh.com 2 rue Kellermann BP 80157 59100 Roubaix
Personal Data Protection
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The site benefits from protections under intellectual property law, including copyright, designs and models, trademarks, domain names, patents, know-how, software, and databases. CARENTAN HISTORICAL CENTER and/or its partners remain the owners of all these contents and the associated rights. However, CARENTAN HISTORICAL CENTER grants you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license, without the right to sublicense, solely for access, browsing, and usage operations in connection with this site. This license does not grant any other rights, particularly the right to commercially exploit these contents.