Online ticketing

Practical information

Same-day reservations are not possible.
Likewise, it is not possible to make a reservation for the next day (J+1) after 5pm (in France).
Reservations are not required, or you can purchase your tickets directly from the D-Day Experience reception.
Once you have made your reservation, please go to the reception desk to collect your simulator and cinema pass.
You cannot book online for a visit on the same day. However, you can always buy your tickets directly at the museum reception.
The e-ticket is not a ticket cutter.
Duration of the visit :
Adult rate :
13.9 €
Child rate :
10.9 €
Family rate :
45 €
Duration of the visit :
Adult rate :
19.9 €
Child rate :
15.9 €
Family rate :
65 €
Duration of the session :
1h in winter period
45min in summer period
Adult rate :
9 €
Child rate :
7 €


A strategic objective for the Allies, the capture of Carentan was essential for the junction of the troops landed on the beaches of Utah and Omaha. The mission was entrusted to the paratroopers of the American 101st Airborne Division, who had to confront their German counterparts for the occasion: the fearsome Fallschirmjäger. It will be the clash of the paratroopers. Located in Saint-Côme-du-Mont, whose capture is a prerequisite to that of Carentan, the D-Day Experience is the only museum to offer a double perspective of the events.

After learning about the preparations for the Normandy jump and attending Colonel Wolverton's briefing, take a seat in a real C-47 converted into a dynamic flight simulator to relive the crossing of the Channel on the night of D-Day. Thanks to a modern and immersive museography including from June 2019 a new space of 500 m², follow the evolution of the fighting from 6 to 12 June 1944, date of the final liberation of Carentan.

Then discover the historic house of the "Dead Man's Corner", occupied by the German paratroopers from 6 to 8 June and inside which their command post and infirmary have been faithfully reconstructed.

From June 2019, to better understand what was at stake in these battles and to place them in the wider context of the D-Day Landings and the Battle of Normandy, discover the film D-Day Normandy 1944, projected in 3D on a Giant 3D screen for an unprecedented visual and sound experience... Two museums, a flight simulator, a 3D cinema - D-Day Experience will appeal to all your senses. Don't just learn about history, live it!


To extend the experience, sit down in our cinema, put on your 3D glasses and discover the D-Day Landings from a new angle thanks to the film D-Day Normandy 1944.

Using the latest innovations in the field, projected on a GEANT 3D screen, this 36-minute documentary offers you total immersion, only in Normandy!

General conditions of sale

Conformément au Règlement UE 2016/679 du 27 avril 2016 sur la protection des données à caractère personnel et la Loi « informatique et libertés » du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée, vous bénéficiez d’un droit d’accès, de rectification, d’effacement, de portabilité, de limitation, d’opposition au traitement des donnés vous concernant que vous pouvez exercer en nous contactant sur l’adresse mail suivante : Retrouvez notre Politique Protection des données en suivant ce lien


Chers visiteurs,

Le musée D-Day Experience sera fermé du 6 au 31 janvier 2025.
Réouverture du musée le samedi 1er février 2025 aux horaires habituels de 10h00 à 18h00 (fermeture de la billetterie à 16h30).

Nous avons hâte de vous accueillir de nouveau avec le sourire !

La Direction.

Dear visitors,

We inform you that D-Day Experience is closed from January 6th to 31st 2025 for annual leave and maintenance of the equipment.
We are looking forward welcoming you again on February 1st 2025.

D-Day Experience.