Option 1: D-DAY EXPERIENCE tour + DEAD MAN S CORNER Museum (including flight simulator) + Cinema

The two museums (D-Day Experience & Dead Man's Corner), the flight simulator and the 3D cinema showing two films, the first one on the D-Day Landings in general, the second one on the battle of Carentan in the days following the Landings. For this option, it is necessary to spend about three hours on site (the cinema sessions last 45 minutes from April to September and 1 hour from October to March).

Please select a day and enter your details :


Chers visiteurs,

Le musée D-Day Experience sera fermé du 6 au 31 janvier 2025.
Réouverture du musée le samedi 1er février 2025 aux horaires habituels de 10h00 à 18h00 (fermeture de la billetterie à 16h30).

Nous avons hâte de vous accueillir de nouveau avec le sourire !

La Direction.

Dear visitors,

We inform you that D-Day Experience is closed from January 6th to 31st 2025 for annual leave and maintenance of the equipment.
We are looking forward welcoming you again on February 1st 2025.

D-Day Experience.